surveillance capitalism links

---David Bordwell revisits Hitchcock's Notorious

---"The Best Video Essays of 2018" via BFI

---6 Filmmaking Tips from Barry Jenkins

---"The 50 Most Anticipated American Films of 2019" by Dan Schoenbrun

---Kim Morgan discusses The Long Goodbye with Elliot Gould

---"Under the regime of surveillance capitalism, it is not enough simply to gather information about what people do. Eventually, you have to influence behavior, beyond the simple suasion practiced by targeted ads. It’s not about showing someone the right ad; you have to show it at the right place and time, with the language and imagery calibrated for precise effect. You have to lead people through the physical world, making them show up at the sponsored pop-up store or vote for the preferred candidate. Armed with a veritable real-time feed of a user’s thoughts and feelings, companies are beginning to practice just this kind of coercion, which is why you might see makeup ads before a Friday evening out or why inducements from a personal injury lawyer might pop up on your phone as you sit in a hospital waiting room. When we want things — health information, travel schedules, a date — is also when we are most vulnerable, when intimate data yield themselves for corporate capture. 'The result,' as Zuboff notes, 'is a perverse amalgam of empowerment inextricably layered with diminishment.' We seem ever more exposed to and dependent on surveillance capitalists, our benevolent info-lords, but their operations are defined by opacity, corporate secrecy and the scrim of technological authority."  --from "How Tech Companies Manipulate Our Personal Data" by Jacob Silverman

---"What's Not to Love? The New Wave of Unlikable Women in Cinema" by Anne Billson

---"Edited By"

---"How Millenials Became the Burnout Generation" by Anne Helen Petersen

---Three Reasons: Harold and Maude

---"An unapologetically mean review, too, is a big swing, and the ultimate weapon for passionate but principled critics who want to love everything but will not hesitate to really, really, really hate something. A truly vicious pan, a merciless slam, a full-scale ethering is born of a righteous fury that can transmute into pure joy. 'The secret of the bad review is that you can get a lot of pleasure out of it,' A.O. Scott tells me, chatting via phone in late December. 'It is a kind of a dopamine rush. First of all, editors—especially editors at The New York Times—love it. They love bad reviews. And they’re fun to do because they give you access to a lot of writerly tools that are fun to use. You can be funny. You can be clever. What you’re doing is, you’re demonstrating your superiority to a thing that you’re writing about.'"  --Rob Harvilla

A FICTIVE FLIGHT ABOVE REAL MARS from Jan Fröjdman on Vimeo.

---Vimeo's Best Shorts of 2018

---"Elaine May" by Melissa Anderson


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