machine links

---5 cinematographers
"Bifo uses Elephant, Gus van Sant’s captivating account of the Columbine tragedy, to illustrate the spreading psychopathology of the first post-alpha(betic) generations, the ones that “have learned more words from a machine than from their mother” (as the anthropologist Rose Golden wrote in 1975). He writes: “it is with glacial tenderness that Van Sant shows us the neurotic mumbling, the anorexic hystericisms and the relational incompetence of the Columbine generation (…) Bodies that have lost contact with their soul and hence no longer know anything about their corporeality”. In Elephant Bifo sees the cognitive mutation that is unfolding in the context of a communicative transformation: the passage from “conjunction” to “connection” as the predominant mode of interaction. While conjunction is a singular process of “becoming other”, connection is a functional and repeatable interaction between discrete, formatted segments. Connection requires that these segments are compatible and interoperable - which is something digital network technologies dwell on, as they expand by reducing more and more elements to format, standard and code. There’s no room for margins of ambiguity or gradations of nuance here. Central to this shift is the insertion of the electronic into the organic, which has provoked a palpable change in the relation between consciousness and sensibility. As the info-sphere is becoming thick and dense, putting our attention constantly under siege, we are less and less able to react consciously to emotional impulses. There’s just not enough time for empathy, time to experience, to caress, to feel the other as a sensorial body. “Affective attention suffers a kind of contraction, and it is forced to find ways of adaptation: the organism adopts tools for simplification, and it tends to smooth out the living psychic response, to repackage affective behaviour in a frozen and fastened framework.” Reducers of complexity such as money, media clichés, stereotypes or webinterfaces have simplified the relationship with the other, and when the other appears in flesh and blood, we are unable to deal with its presence, because it hurts our (in)sensibility. It is as if we cannot longer understand or convey that which cannot be verbalized, that which cannot be reduced to simple codified signs."
---"In Search for Autonomy":
---Cabaret cinema (from Daniel Kasman)
---100 helpful photography tutorials
---Bogdanovich chats with Wes Anderson
---Matthew Taylor and 21st century enlightenment
---how do you take notes on films? (I mostly just try to capture dialogue)
---James MacDowell analyzes The Room:
---Truffaut's last interview
---What's My Line? with Hitchcock and others
---J. J. Murphy considers Medicine for Melancholy
---fake Criterion covers (thanks to @annehelen)
---"I could tell you, but then I'd have to kill you" and reasons to not own a cell phone (thanks to @osulop)
---Obama: a day in the life
---watching a story go viral
---Jonathan "technological consumerism is an infernal machine" Franzen resists the promotional machinery for his upcoming novel Freedom.

---Arctic warming
---back in America, as the stores close and the 20-somethings refuse to mature, the Facebookers spy on each other
---upcoming possibly intriguing films--Vanishing on 7th Street and Fair Game
---lastly, the future of search