Elizabeth Taylor (1932-2011)

I don't know what to say (finding out the news was like getting punched in the gut), so I'll quote Nathaniel Rogers:
Also, Paul Newman's tribute.
From William J. Mann's biography How to Be a Movie Star:
"When Shirley MacLaine first walked onto the lot on loan-out from Paramount, she was a twenty-three-year-old kid with big red curls and not a lot of experience. She looked around in awe as she stepped into Sydney Guilaroff's hair salon. There was Greer Garson, she recalled `swathed in a turquoise blue robe that set off her carrot-colored hair,' and Deborah Kerr, `thin-hipped and more bawdy than the world ever knew.' In came Audrey Hepburn, `all Dresden,' walking her small poodle and gliding along `as if on roller skates.' Then Debbie Reynolds bounded through the doors, `the pride of Burbank, punching jokes and being cuddly.' Sydney, tall and graceful in his finely woven, skintight linen shirts, would pass up and down his row of ladies, `painting and sculpting the beautiful hairstyles.'
And finally, Elizabeth Taylor made her appearance, `chunky and looking ten years younger with no makeup,' said MacLaine, who watched her with fascination. `She'd flop into any chair that was vacant, eating a cheese Danish and plopping her feet up on the table in front of her.' MacLaine would tease her about her big feet, saying that they looked like a weightlifter's, and Elizabeth would laugh in that high-pitched girlish cackle of hers. Then Sydney would come around to light Elizabeth's cigarette, `and she would draw the smoke long and deep into her lungs with the same low-down basic oral gratification she lavished on the cheese Danish.' Another day at MGM had begun."