Alphabet meme: The Film Doctor’s top film list

Anders at Cut, Print, Review challenged me to list my favorite films alphabetically. Leaving out films such as Bonnie and Clyde, On The Waterfront, and The Killing proved extraordinarily painful, but I enjoyed selecting the rest.
Here they are:
Ace in the Hole
Children of Men
Donnie Darko
Eight and a Half
La Femme Nikita
The Godfather
The Hustler
It Happened One Night
Jules et Jim
Kind Hearts and Coronets
The Last Seduction
Night of the Living Dead
Out of the Past
The Road Warrior
Sweet Smell of Success
Taxi Driver
Used Cars
White Heat
Thoughts on this selection?
Would . . .
Jason Bellamy of The Cooler
Ed Howard of Only the Cinema
Ibetolis of Film for the Soul
care to take the challenge?
Thanks also to Fletch of Blog Cabins for starting the meme.
Children of Men: instead of Casablanca?
Donnie Darko: instead of The Day the Earth Stood Still?
The Godfather: Natch.
Quadrophenia: Instead of Quantum of Solace?
The Road Warrior: Instead of Raging Bull?
Sweet Smell of Success: Instead of Saturday Night Fever?
White Heat: Instead of Walking Tall?
Young Frankenstein?
X-Men: This was really tough, wasn't it?... X-Men or Xanadu.
Zelig: Agreed.
Yours is of course a better list. But what about movies with titles that begin with, or consist of, numbers?
Good choice with Breathless....if i remembered Godard's film at the time of posting, it might have featured on my list too.
Also like your choice of Metropolis and Road Warrior (only known as Mad Max in Aus), although both would consequently have had to have kick Memento off the list if they wanted a spot...which wasn't going to happen.
As for movies with numbers, I would choose 12 Monkeys.
Anders--Thanks for tagging me. Let's hear it for The Road Warrior and Australian cinema! I'll comment on your list when I get a chance.
Ed Howard--My pleasure. Thanks for taking on the challenge.