Notable film and media links--July 23, 2009

---How do businesses and journalists adjust to the ongoing changes in the media? Disney plans on setting up a "subscription-based product." The New York Times might resort to "metering" and "membership strategies." According to Politico, Huffington Post gets much of its traffic from "entertainment and sex" and the "mainstream media" (which isn't surprising). Tina Brown of the not-yet-profitable Daily Beast has this to say to Phil Rosenthal of Chicago Tribune:
---Meanwhile, at Conde Nast, ad page numbers have dropped precipitously, leaving magazine journalists "speculating, worried." Jeffrey Goldberg has some ironic recommendations about what they should do about it.
---I didn't know that Michael Jackson taught Fred Astaire how to moonwalk, or that they both danced out of "anger" (according to Astaire). The Self-Styled Siren found some oddly appropriate footage of Astaire "drunkenly" dancing and breaking glass in a bar.
---Michael Guillen of The Evening Class shares some fascinating vintage music videos.
---Intriguing new books--The Art of Harvey Kurtzman:the Mad Genius of Comics (because he helped invent Mad magazine), Alex Cox's X Films: True Confessions of a Radical Filmmaker, and the exceedingly timely Reinventing Cinema: Movies in the Age of Media Convergence by Chuck Tryon of Chutry Experiment.
---As much as I would like to make fun of Twitter, the social media tool does help small businesses promote themselves.
---Total Film lays out "The Story Behind American Psycho" (back when I used to like Christian Bale).
---Whiteout looks a little silly.
---While I had mixed feelings for Watchmen on DVD, I enjoy Alan Moore's distaste for contemporary films:
---Allan Fish of Wonders in the Dark celebrates one of my favorite horror films--Don't Look Now.
---Lastly, Jim Emerson provides a thought-provoking analysis of the cranking speeds of Buster Keaton's Cops.
As for Watchmen, I thought it was pretty good, with at least a few passages that were downright great. Moore has in general been very poorly treated by film adaptations of his work, so his comments certainly make sense, though. He's an ornery, funny guy, and I can hardly blame him for being sick of his complex, multilayered work being transformed into hack would-be blockbusters, as happened to League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, From Hell, and V For Vendetta. He doesn't even go to see them, and won't take any money for them, instead directing all movie profits to the artists on his books.
Bad - with its electric camera movements, sharp editing, punchy use of lens and switches of angle - is Jackson's best video, and no wonder: it was directed by Martin Scorsese.
In that sense the "better" Jackson's videos were as a whole, the "worse" they may have been in the sense Acocella means. I think live performance footage is the place to go to for Jackson's genius more than his videos, at least if you want the undiluted form.
I mostly liked the opening montage of Watchmen. The musical choices, the cartoonish treatment of Nixon, and the rip off of Dr. Strangelove tended to throw me out of the movie.
Thanks, Movieman. I agree that the concert footage gives one a better way to appreciate Jackson's dancing. I also like Smooth Criminal, amongst his later videos, and Scream.