Cinema and the eye: a portfolio
What is
the relationship between the viewer and the eye on screen? Why are we so psychologically sensitive to images of the eye? Because we are watching?

Joel Bocko started a meme with Stephen of Checking My Sausages inviting us to compile images that celebrate the thrill of cinema. Participants in the meme include Jason Bellamy, Sheila O'Malley, and Andrew of Gateway Cinephiles, who kindly tagged me.
Here's my contribution.
Sadly, none of the people going with an eye theme yet have used the title "The Eyes Have It"! Where are all the bad punsters?
Yes, Kevin. I just checked it out. Good thing your post is sufficiently different from mine.
"The Eyes Have It" did occur to me, Joel, but I restrained myself. I like the way both Hitchcock's and Kubrick's work have a tendency to emphasize the eyes, as if the celebration of and the threat to the gaze was an implicit part of their craft.
Thanks, Castor. You are right. I didn't really think so much about the disturbing aspects in part because several of these images are from such iconic films. Richard Kelly has grotesque eye imagery in Donnie Darko and Southland Tales showing an influence that one can trace back to Chinatown. Battleship Potemkin's image of a woman shot in the glasses sets up Straw Dogs and Lord of the Flies. The images are violent but they form part of a prestigious and influential tradition.
Where is the image of the hand coming out of the eye from? I recognise it but can't place it.
Sorry for responding so late.